do you even flute, bro?
Matúš Smolko

flutes and whistle

Sessions and tutoring

Photo @ Seanínel
Matúš Smolko is a musician who is primarily focused on playing tin whistle and Irish flute. Originally from Košice, Slovakia, where he was taught to play the soprano recorder and silver flute as a child, he later started taking interest in Irish traditional music and learned to play the tin whistle and low whistle. In 2011 he joined the local band Cailleach where he played as a whistle-player.
After moving to Brno in 2014, he quickly joined the local session community. During that time he played in a few short-lived folk-metal projects while being a touring member for Cailleach and Irish folk band from Slovakia called Irish Rose.
In 2017 he took up the Irish Flute as his primary instrument and also joined the band Dálach where he plays to this day. He also became a full-time member of Irish Rose in 2019.
In 2021 he moved to Prague where collaboratively with other musicians started organizing slow-sessions to help beginners get into the wonderful world of traditional Irish music sessions one note at a time.
He is also a lecturer at Bernard’s Summer School in Prague where he teaches tin-whistles for intermediate and advanced players.